
American Beautyberry Perennial {Callicarpa americana} 30+seeds FREE SHIPPING!

$ 1.58

  • Brand: Unbranded
  • Color: Purple
  • Common Name: Beautyberry
  • Features: Edible, Fast Growing, Flowering, Privacy
  • Genus: Callicarpa
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Type: Fruiting Shrub


American Beautyberry Perennial {Callicarpa americana} | Edible | Medicinal | Privacy | Pest Deterrent | cold Hardy 30+seeds FREE SHIPPING! American Beautyberry {Callicarpa americana} American Beautyberry is an outstanding deciduous shrub that grows 6 to 8 feet. It is valued for its vibrant colored, beadlike fall berries. Berries may be violet, lilac, white, or dusky purple and are most abundant after a long, hot summer. Flowers in summer. This shrub is found throughout the Southeast. Soil Type: Fertile, well-drained soil in full sun or light. Zones: 6 to 11 Soil pH: 4.8 - 7.0 Mature Height: 8' Fruit Maturity Date: Fall - Winter Alias: French Mulberry Germination Range: 60-80% Stratification Requirement: 90 days cold moist stratification. Indoor Planting: If your seeds require stratification or scarification – do the recommended pretreatment before planting indoors. Planting Instructions: Fill a container with seed starting mix to about ½ inch from the top. Place your seeds 1 inch to 1 ½ inches below the soil surface. Gently water your seeds to keep moist, not soaking wet. Heat & humidity is critical for germination. Germination may occur in 1 week or as long as 3 months (depending on the species). Place the seed container on a heat mat under growing light(s). Keep your growing lights on 14 hours per day. Keep your heat mat on 24 hours per day. Once your seeds germinate, move each seed into its own container under the growing lights and on the heat mat. Keep your seedlings indoors for 2-3 months before transplanting outdoors in the spring (May to June). Outdoor Planting: If your seeds do not require stratification: the best time to plant tree and shrub seeds outdoors is after the last frost in your area (spring). In the Northern states – the best time to plant seeds outdoors is from May to June. If your seeds require pretreatment: you should plant your seeds outdoors before the ground freezes in your area (late September to early November). Your seeds will naturally stratify during the cold winter. Germination usually occurs in May or during the spring season. A fast growing perennial that can be pruned way back (even to the ground) by deer or shears and rebound in no time. American beautyberry has fragrant, fuzzy green foliage that is considered moderate in its preference to deer. In mid-summer, each leaf axil is surrounded by loads of small, pinkish to bluish flowers followed by clumps of powerfully bright, purple drupes. The flowering to fruiting works its way slowly up each stem until the leaves begin changing to yellow in the fall. After leaf fall, the persistent drupes stay put until the deer and birds nab them. Although tolerant of shade and drought, the best fruiting and growth occurs with plenty of sunlight on a fertile and moist but well drained site. The USDA claims its insecticidal properties are also worthy of mention as mosquitoes, ants, and other pesky critters absolutely hate an extractive coined ‘callicarpenol’ that’s been rendered from it. In other words you can also plant around your cabin as an ornamental and to help keep bugs away, much like you would use a citronella plant. Provides food well into winter months when not many other food sources are available.