Dazzling show of pink blossoms which turn to brilliant lilac. Rich flowering cushions. Very easy to grow. Germination: As with many perennials, these seeds can benefit from a period of moist cold to help them break dormancy. This is done by giving them a cold 'winter' period (artificial or natural), and then a warming to simulate 'spring', and time to grow! Here's how this can be done: Obtain a planting container that has holes in the bottom for excess water to drain. Place the seeds on the surface of your growing medium, and water the seeds in. Place your container in a cold area (but not freezing, perhaps a refrigerator) for 5-6 weeks. Once the cold period is completed, place the container at room temperature, and in a bright area (they require light), for them to germinate. Be sure to keep the soil moist during this entire germination period. Seedlings will sprout a few weeks, or occasionally several months, after the warming period. Alternatively, these seeds can also be planted outdoors in fall, winter, or early spring, while temperatures are still cold (but ground is workable) to germinate naturally in spring. Be sure to mark the area where you planted them, and that the soil is consistently moist. If you'd like to see all the plants and seeds I currently have available: Check out my other plants and seeds