Fragrant lavender flowers and very decorative, translucent and shimmery elliptical seedpods. Hardy perennial, likes shade, easy to germinate but requires a few extra weeks of patience. Lunaria rediviva (Perennial Honesty) is a clumping perennial with toothy heart-shaped leaves and has clusters of fragrant flowers that may be tinged with pale pastel hues. In spring and early summer, showy panicles of delicately scented, lilac-white flowers, 1 in. across are on display. They are followed by beautiful translucent, elliptical flat seed pods that are highly prized in dried flower arrangements. A useful addition to informal beds and borders, bright woodland gardens, and naturalized areas. Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society. Grows up to 2-3 ft tall and 12-18 in. wide. Plants will self seed when happy. Performs best in full sun in fertile, moist but well-drained soils. Appreciate some afternoon shade in hot summer areas. A remarkable low-maintenance plant, this excellent performer looks spectacular when grown in beds and borders, city gardens, coastal gardens, or cottage gardens. The translucent seed pods are a conversation piece, for sure. This plant is resilient to most pests and diseases. Propagate by seed in spring or divide in spring. Native to Europe. Plant facts: Hardiness: Hardy Longevity: Perennial Growing Condition: Woodland Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Good For: Wildlife Friendly; Deer and Rabbit Resistant; Long Blooming; Prized for Seedheads & fruit Flower Color: White, Lilac, Cream, Lavender Foliage Colour: Green Germination: Outdoors: Sow in autumn, overwinter in a protected location or cold frame outdoors, germinates in spring. Indoors: Mix seed with slightly moist peat-based soil or seed starting mix; Keep warm for 3 weeks (on top of a fridge is great); then place in the fridge for 6 weeks. then sprinkle the seed/soil mix on top of a community tray of good growing media; keep at warm temperature (78 deg F) or warmer; germination will occur over a month. Seed: 30+ seeds per pack (approx); I always throw in a few extra for good measure. If you'd like to see all the plants and seeds I currently have available: Check out my other plants and seeds